Project Name: Support to Implementation of National Unified Registry and Social Outreach Worker Program for Targeting Social Assistance Project.
Grant Agreement #: Grant No. 15887 Project ID No. : P144832
The National Unified Registry and Outreach Worker Program, (a US$9.5 million recipient executed Grant) was designed to provide technical assistance to the Government of Jordan to facilitate implementation of the broadly-targeted cash compensation program and support the establishment of systems that would improve targeting of social safety net programs with a clear project development objective to” improve the targeting of social safety net programs and develop an efficient outreach mechanism”.
In this regard, one of the main objectives under this program was to design and develop an automated National Unified Registry (NUR) system by enhancing and consolidating the databases of relevant government agencies (such as National Aid Fund, civil status and passport department, department of civil and military retirement, department of vehicles and drivers licensing) to have better access to administrative databases to crosscheck potential beneficiaries’ data and inform targeting of social safety net programs. NUR was conceived to overcome the challenges faced by the National Aid Fund (NAF) wherein the targeting and verification of its social protection programs and services were mostly a manual process that was not standardized, insecure, unreliable and was extremely tedious and error-prone process.
At present, the design of the NUR was successfully done wherein more external agencies are being connected with NUR for data exchange with NAF.
- Provide technical support for the design and implementation of the NAF MIS Complementary Support Program (Takaful) with the objective of ensuring the system interoperability between the NAF MIS and the new program MIS which will ultimately ride on the NUR foundational platform for data exchange with external systems;
- Review of the NUR expansion plan and analyze from the technical aspects to determine what technical gaps, customization and resources would be needed for its expansion;
- Provide technical support for enhancing the front end of the system(s); to enable the provision of cash support and referrals from NAF to other governmental programs such as energy subsidies and health insurance support programs;
- Support Ministry of Social Development to develop a plan; to gradually expand CMS into other services and areas; taking into consideration i) the roles of social workers in providing counseling, in addition to referrals ii) assess the target population selection on the case management portal and iii) taking into account logistical needs in addition to supply of services.